Rent Canon/Century 2000 150-600mm T6.7 Lens


Century has re-engineered the Canon 150-600mm F5.6 lens from the inside out and turned it into a true zoom which accurately holds focus and eliminates image movement.

Daily Price $350, Weekly Price $1050

The Canon/Century 2000 150-600mm T6.7 Lens is available for rent at Stray Angel Films.

Century has re-engineered the Canon 150-600mm F5.6 lens from the inside out and turned it into a true zoom which accurately holds focus and eliminates image movement. The S2000 150-600mm lens provides separate zoom and focus controls that rotate conventionally and allow easy mating with popular follow-focus units and zoom motors

How to Rent the Canon/Century 2000 150-600mm T6.7 Lens:

This Canon/Century 2000 150-600mm T6.7 Lens rental can be picked up locally in Los Angeles or shipped Nationwide for additional fees.

For availability and quotes on lenses for rent, please e-mail: [email protected]