Rent Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 L SP PL Cinema Zoom Lens


The Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 L SP PL Mount Cinema Zoom Lens is designed expressly for digital cinematography with cameras that have an APS-C or Super 35-equivalent sensor and a PL mount, including Canon’s EOS C300 PL.

Daily Price $350, Weekly Price $1050

The Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 L SP PL Mount Cinema Zoom Lens is available for rent at Stray Angel Films.

The Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 L SP PL Mount Cinema Zoom Lens is designed expressly for digital cinematography with cameras that have an APS-C or Super 35-equivalent sensor and a PL mount, including Canon’s EOS C300 PL. Featuring advanced optical technology designed by Canon, the lens is suitable for any capturing any size HD image up to and including 4K resolution.

With a focal length range of 30-300mm, the 10x cinema zoom lens is designed to cover the longer end of the focal lengths typically required by cinematic productions, and its maximum telephoto length of 300mm puts it among the best in its class. Maximum aperture is a relatively fast T2.95 throughout much of its range, and the 11-blade iris enables a smooth bokeh for out-of-focus areas of the frame.

The lens was designed with working professionals in mind, with easy-to-read focus, zoom, and iris markings engraved into angled surfaces on both sides of the lens, so you can read the setting from either side of a camera – or from behind it. Depending on the production’s needs, focus markings can be switched from standard to metric. The lens facilitates manual operation that’s subtle, smooth, precise, and repeatable. Control rings are designed to provide and maintain the proper amount of resistance so you can operate with a consistent torque. The focus rotation angle is about 300°; for zoom, it’s approximately 160°.

The CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 L SP lens complements the other lens in the line in more ways than just focal length range: Their shared 136mm front diameter, gear positions, and rotation angle make them almost “hot-swappable” when they’re used with a shared matte box or follow focus.

How to Rent the Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 L SP PL Cinema Zoom Lens:

This Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 L SP PL Cinema Zoom Lens rental can be picked up locally in Los Angeles or shipped Nationwide for additional fees.

For availability and quotes on lenses for rent, please e-mail: [email protected]