Rent Soundstage BTS Package


The SAF Soundstage BTS package sets you up with your own personal professional photographer to silently shadow your set, capture the most memorable moments, and edit them together to share with the world.

Daily Price $200

Ever want to capture your creative process on set to share with others but without the distraction or removing time away from the day? The SAF Soundstage BTS package sets you up with your own personal professional photographer to silently shadow your set, capture the most memorable moments, and edit them together to share with the world.


StarterBatch of unedited stills (50 to 100)$200
IntermediateEdited Photos (35 to 50)$365
ProfessionalEdited Photos (100 to 150)$500
ExecutiveEdited Photos + Edited Social Reel$675

How To Rent Soundstage BTS Package:

The SAF Soundstage BTS package is available for rental at Stray Angel Films. It can be rented locally in Los Angeles.

For more information on stages for rent, please email [email protected] or give us a call at 310-277-6900.