The Top 10 Filmmaking Tutorials Title Picture

These days, the internet is overflowing with great resources available to filmmakers as well as many publicly-available blog posts and video tutorials covering virtually any topic for those seeking to expand their knowledge.

We love how easy it is for new filmmakers to learn and decided to put together a list of what we think are some of the best free filmmaking tutorials available, today!

1. How To Control Lighting

2. Who’s Who On A Movie Crew?

3. Lighting A Moving Actor

4. Light Meters & A DSLR

5. How To Shoot A Fight Scene

6. Sound Recording Tutorial

7. Crop Factor

8. Timelapse Tutorial

9. 180 Degree Rule Explained

10. Gels & Light Diffusion

If you’re interested in more compelling filmmaking tutorials, check out our YouTube channel!